How Management Maps Improve Data Intelligence in Shopping Malls

A Transformation in Shopping Mall Management

Imagine having the power to visualize, in a georeferenced way, every detail of your enterprise, through intuitive and highly customizable search indicators, through Management Maps.

Don't waste any more time between loose spreadsheets and outdated systems. This fragmented approach not only consumes valuable time, but also prevents a clear and objective view of your shopping center. 

Discover how we are transforming mall management and gain a powerful ally for your efficiency and profitability. Explore with us how to use these Management Maps can transform your shopping mall into a center of excellence and innovation.

Management Maps for Shopping Malls

Zapt Tech's Solution: Management Maps to Streamline and Enhance

Imagine the efficiency and practicality of having a digital twin of your shopping mall on an expansive and highly interactive screen. 

With Management Maps, every detail is meticulously represented on the plan, standing out according to your search criteria, and directly correlated with the physical map of the location.

Management Maps are the answer to transforming plans into highly accurate and interactive digital maps.

This means that you can view your data in a georeferenced way quickly and conveniently, providing a clearer and more accurate view of your shopping center. 

Precise Decisions: Free yourself from uncertainty with concrete data!

In a competitive market, every decision counts. That's why relying on assumptions is a risk that mall managers can no longer afford to take.

With Management Maps, decision-making becomes a precise science, based on concrete data updated in real time.

Imagine having at your disposal an arsenal of information ranging from store performance to customer preferences.

With this data in hand, there is no more room for uncertainty. You will have a clear and objective vision to guide each step of managing your shopping mall.

Furthermore, seamless integration with the main ERPs on the market means you no longer have to worry about wasting time manually collecting data.

Everything updates automatically, allowing you to focus on what really matters: driving your mall's success. 

Maps for Shopping Mall Management by Zapt Tech

Personalize your Vision: Management Maps Tailor-Made for You

Don't waste any more time trying to find specific data! With Management Maps, you can filter and search each type of store in your mall with ease.

Whether by number, CNPJ, area or industry, the search options offer a range of choices for a thorough investigation.

Vital indicators, such as Shopping Occupancy and Store Mix, are clearly presented on highly accurate digital maps.

Maps for Shopping Mall Management by Zapt Tech

Elevated Contract Management: Envision the Commercial Future of Your Shopping Mall!

Imagine having the power to see not only the present, but also the commercial future of your shopping center. With Management Maps, contract management goes beyond paper and pen.

Now, you can accurately visualize which spaces will be occupied and which will be available in the coming months or even years.

This means that your shopping mall's commercial team can work more strategically and proactively.

Instead of simply renewing contracts, they can identify opportunities to optimize the mall's layout, attract prominent brands, and create an environment that attracts even more visitors.

With Management Maps providing a clear vision of the commercial future, we enable shopping mall managers to make informed and strategic decisions, ensuring a dynamic and profitable retail environment. 

The Present in Focus: Visualize Real Time and Perfect your Shopping!

With our Management Maps, the present time comes to life. Now, managers have the power to analyze, in real time, the dynamics of their shopping mall. 

It is possible to identify idle areas, understand which spaces are being used effectively and which can be optimized.

But this is just the beginning. With the ability to add custom indicators like heatmaps, you get even deeper insight into visitor behavior and the busiest areas. 

This wealth of information not only enhances the customer experience but also drives operational efficiency.

Furthermore, our Management Maps go beyond your shopping center. Imagine having the ability to view, in a single map view of Brazil, all the shopping malls and stores in your network.

This means you can analyze not just individual performance but also identify trends and opportunities on a national scale.

It does not stop there. With Management Maps, you can also monitor security in real time. View incidents within stores and respond quickly and effectively to ensure the safety of all visitors.

Management Maps for Shopping Malls

Simple and Updated: Autonomy in Layout Change

It's time to leave manual changes and time-consuming processes behind! The migration to digital maps represents a paradigm shift. 

Now, with Management Maps, site plan updates occur automatically and simply, eliminating the need to involve architects and other professionals in each layout change.

It can even be changed autonomously, without having to open a request to the Zapt Tech team. 

Management Maps for Shopping Malls

Transform your Management with Management Maps: Don’t Let This Opportunity Pass You By!

Every second wasted on outdated processes is an opportunity for wasted efficiency. 

Don't waste any more time in a sea of ​​disconnected spreadsheets. Zapt Tech is here to provide a mall management more efficient and connected. 

Discover how we can transform your shopping center into a center of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Get in touch by email:

Also follow the news on our social networks at Instagram e LinkedIn.

Contact us to find out how Zapt Tech can benefit your business

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Belo Horizonte - (31) 3181 0708

WhatsApp – (11) 94336-8326
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